| 1A10.20 - Standards of Mass |
Show the difference between a 1 kg mass and a 1 lb mass.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1A10.35 - Meter Stick - Yard Stick |
Show the difference in length between a meterstick and yardstick.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1A40.30 - Magnetic Vectors |
Demonstrate vector properties on the blackboard.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1A50.10 - Radian |
Demonstrate what a radian is.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1A60.10 - Powers of Ten |
Links to the Powers of Ten (1977) video
| Yes | 10 | Yes |
| 1C10.20 - Constant Velocity Cart |
To show that a cart traveling with no acceleration will travel with a constant velocity.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1C20.10 - The Feather and the Farthing |
Demonstrate that all objects fall with the same speed in a vacuum.
| No | | Yes |
| 1C30.10 - Timed Free Fall of a Ball |
To demonstrate the time a ball takes to travel a known distance in free fall.
| No | | Yes |
| 1D15.10 - Motion Detector and Student |
Demonstrate the plots of position, velocity, and acceleration for linear motion.
| No | | Yes |
| 1D40.10 - Dumbbell with Light |
Demonstrate that the center of mass moves in a parabolic path while the object itself may move in a complicated motion about this center.
| No | | Yes |
| 1D50.10 - Ball on a String |
Demonstrate centripetal force.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1D50.40 - Swing the Pail |
Demonstrate centrifugal and centripetal forces.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1D60.10 - Relativity Cart |
Demonstrate that an object thrown upward while moving horizontally at a constant velocity will follow a parabolic projectile curve and land back in the cart.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1D60.20 - Slug Gun |
Demonstrate that horizontal motion is independent of vertical motion.
| Yes | 2 | Yes |
| 1D60.30 - Shooting the Falling Teddy Bear |
Demonstrate that a projectile aimed directly at a target will only hit the target if it falls at the same time as the projectile is launched.
| No | | Yes |
| 1E10.10 - Crossing the River |
Demonstrate moving reference frames.
| Yes | 2 | Yes |
| 1E10.20 - Frames of Reference Film |
Classic film about various frames of reference.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1F20.10 - Block and String |
Demonstrate inertia of a large block with a surprising outcome.
| No | 10 | Yes |
| 1F20.30 - Cloth from Under Dishes |
Demonstrate inertia and change in time of an impulse relative to static and kinetic friction.
| Yes | 2 | Yes |
| 1F30.10 - Persistence of Motion |
To demonstrate Newton's First Law, the law of inertia, using an air track and cart
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1G10.40 - Bicycle-Size Atwood's Machine |
The Atwood's Machine is a two body system that demonstrates the interdependence of forces on two masses connected by a string on a pulley.
| No | | Yes |
| 1J11.20 - Tower of Lire |
Demonstrates a stacking method that can continue indefinitely.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1J20.10 - Equilibrium Stability of a Particle |
Demonstrate the difference between stable and unstable equilibrium points.
| No | | Yes |
| 1J20.11 - Stability |
Demonstrate stable, unstable, and neutral equilibriums.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1J30.10 - Car Balanced on Inclined Plane |
A car sitting on an inclined plane is very carefully counterbalanced with strings and counter weights so that if the plane is removed the car remains in position and if the normal force string is disconnected while the car is on the plane, the car should stay put.
| No | | Yes |
| 1J30.25 - Forces on a Taut Rope |
Demonstrate that a rope held taut end to end can be easily deflected in the center by another student or a mass.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1J40.10 - Grip Bar |
Demonstrate how torque increases with R.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1J40.20 - Meter Stick and Weights - Moment of Force |
Demonstrate that the sum of the moments must be zero for equilibrium.
| No | | Yes |
| 1J40.60 - Ladder on Water |
Demonstrate that there is no horizontal force on a ladder.
| No | | Yes |
| 1K10.30 - Walking the Spool |
Demonstrate some applications of Newton's laws.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1K20.10 - Various Blocks on an Inclined Plane |
Compare the coefficient of friction of several materials with wood.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1K20.30 - Static and Dynamic Friction |
Measure the static force of friction and compare this to the dynamic force.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1L10.30 - Cavendish Experiment |
The Cavendish experiment was designed to measure G, the gravitational constant. **24 Hour notice required**
| No | | Yes |
| 1L20.10 - Gravitational Wells |
To demonstrate gravitational wells that form in the fabric of space-time due to very massive objects and to demonstrate how less massive objects respond as a result.
| Yes | 10 | Yes |
| 1M10.20 - Pile Driver |
The kinetic energy of the mass is used to do work against friction driving the nail or crushing the can.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1M20.u1 - Block and Tackle |
Demonstrate complicated pulley systems.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1M40.10 - Pendulum and Nose |
Demonstrate the conservation of energy. (Well, most of it…)
| No | | Yes |
| 1M40.15 - Pendulum and Peg |
Demonstrate conservation of energy in a pendulum.
| No | | Yes |
| 1M40.20 - Loop the Loop |
Demonstrate gravitational potential is converted to rotational and circular motion so that an object can remain on a track that is in the shape of a loop.
| No | | Yes |
| 1N10.20 - Egg in a Sheet |
An egg thrown at a loosely held sheet will not break no matter how hard you throw it.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1N20.20 - Spring Apart Carts |
Two carts are next to each other and a spring between them launches. They have equal and opposite reaction.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1N21.10 - Cart for Lecturer to Stand On |
Demonstrate the principles of conservation of momentum.
| No | | Yes |
| 1N22.20 - Water Rocket |
Demonstrate the conservation of momentum.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1N30.10 - Newtonian Demonstrator |
Demonstrate the transfer of momentum.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 1Q10.10 - Inertial Wands |
Observe the differences in inertia of two rods of equal mass.
| No | | Yes |
| 1Q10.31 - Inclined Plane |
The angular accelerations of various objects rolled down an inclined plane are compared.
| No | | Yes |
| 1Q20.10 - Angular Acceleration Model |
The rotational acceleration of the system for different moments of inertia is compared.
| No | | Yes |
| 1Q40.10 - Rotating Chair with Weights |
Demonstrate the conservation of angular momentum.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1Q40.30 - Rotating Chair and Bicycle Wheel |
To demonstrate angular momentum. | No | 5 | Yes |
| 1Q40.u3 - Hoberman Sphere - Collapsing Star |
Demonstrate conservation of angular momentum for a collapsing and expanding sphere.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 1Q50.20 - Gyroscope - Bicycle Wheel |
The simplest and most clear example of a gyroscope is the bicycle wheel with handles.
| No | | Yes |
| 1Q60.25 - Euler's Disk |
A look at the motion of a spinning disk on a smooth surface. "Spolling; the combination of spinning and rolling."
| Yes | 0 | Yes |
| 1R10.10 - Hooke's Law |
Demonstrate the change in length of a spring for different masses hung on a spring.
| No | | Yes |
| 1R40.30 - Balls Wanted Dead or Alive |
Demonstrate elastic and inelastic collisions.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 1Z3 - Air Table |
Demonstrate two-dimensional motion and conservation of momentum.
| No | | Yes |
| 2A10.20 - Floating Dense Objects on Water |
Show how surface tension of water is strong enough to allow dense objects to float.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 2B20.40 - Equilibrium Tubes |
Demonstrates the height of water in various arms of a connected system will be the same regardless of the shape of the container.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 2B30.15 - Pop Can Collapse |
Demonstrate that the pressure of steam is much less than air at room temperature.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 2B30.30 - Magdeburg Plate |
Demonstrate that atmospheric pressure is strong enough to keep two evacuated plates together.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 2B35.30 - Venturi Manometer |
A demonstration sized venturi manometer used to model after a common homework question.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 2B40.14 - Archimedes' Principle |
Demonstrate how buoyancy affects apparent weight.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 2C10.10 - Water Tower with Five Orifices |
Demonstrate the symmetrical nature in which water will flow from holes in a tower. (Torricelli's Law)
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 2C20.15 - Venturi Tubes |
Demonstrate Venturi tube suction.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 3A10.10 - Light Pendulum |
Demonstrate a simple pendulum.
| No | | Yes |
| 3A15.10-1 - Physical Pendulum - Rigid Oscillator |
Demonstrate a rigid oscillator, in this case a circle suspended at various radii.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 3A20.10 - Mass on a Spring |
Demonstrate simple harmonic motion with a mass moving on a spring.
| No | | Yes |
| 3A40.20 - Simple Harmonic Motion as the Linear Projection of Circular Motion |
Synchronize the simple harmonic motion of a pendulum with the projection of a turntable's motion.
| No | | Yes |
| 3A60.10 - Tacoma Narrows Video Clip |
Show a video of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse.
| No | 8 | Yes |
| 3A70.20 - Coupled Pendula - Two Pendula from the Same Support |
Demonstrate energy transfer between two pendula on the same support.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B10.10-1 - Transverse Pulse in a Rope Fastened to the Wall |
Demonstrate a transverse pulse.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B10.20 - Table Slinky |
Demonstrate transverse and longitudinal waves with a common toy.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B10.31 - Table Top Jacob's Ladder |
Demonstrate torsional waves.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3B22.10 - Standing Waves |
Demonstrate standing waves.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B22.u1 - Gas Pipe or Rubens Flame Tube |
Demonstrate standing waves due to the propagation of sound waves in a closed tube filled with gas.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B22.u2 - Standing Wave on a Flat Band Loop |
Demonstrate standing waves in a flat spring steel loop.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B40.15 - Doppler Whistle |
Demonstrate the Doppler effect with a piezobuzzer.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3B50.u1 - Interference Between Two Speakers |
Show an interference pattern made by two coherent sources.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 3B50.u2 - Interference Between Two Point Sources - Projectual |
Demonstrate interference caused by two point sources.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3B55.40-1 - Trombone Resonance |
To show when the trombone is at resonance, how the sound is amplified.
| No | | Yes |
| 3B60.10 - Beat Forks |
Demonstrate beating between to similar frequencies.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 3C20.10 - Range of Hearing |
Demonstrate the approximate frequency range of human hearing.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3C30.20 - Attenuation of Decibel Level with Distance |
Demonstrate the attenuation of decibel level with distance.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 3D30.60 - Kundt's Tube |
To show standing sound waves in a tube filled with expanded polystyrene beads.
| No | | Yes |
| 3D30.70 - Hoot Tubes |
Demonstrate standing sound waves in air which are caused by convection currents.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3D40.20 - Singing Rod |
Demonstrate longitudinal standing waves in an aluminum rod.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 3D40.31 - Driven Chladni Plates |
Drive a plate at a given frequency and elegant patterns will form.
| No | 10 | Yes |
| 3D40.55 - Shattering the Wine Glass |
This demonstration drives a wine glass acoustically until it shatters.
| No | 10 | Yes |
| 3D46.15 - Tuning Forks |
Show various tuning forks.
| No | | Yes |
| 4A30.10 - Bimetallic Strip |
Show how a simple bimetallic strip reacts to different temperatures.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4A30.21 - Ball and Sleeve |
Demonstrate thermal expansion of a brass ball and two sleeves.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4A40.30 - Racquetball in Liquid Nitrogen |
Demonstrate the change in properties of a racquetball at low temperatures.
| No | 3 | Yes |
| 4A50.20 - Temperature Dependence of Resistance in a Wire |
Demonstrate that electrical current can be temperature dependent in metal.
| No | | Yes |
| 4B20.10-2 - Convection of Liquids |
Demonstrate convection currents in a liquid.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 4B30.21 - Conduction Rods |
Demonstrate how different metals conduct heat at different rates.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4B40.10 - Light the Match |
Demonstrate how to light a match with light focused by a mirror.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4B50.25 - Balloon and Flame |
Compare the heating of a system with water to one with only air.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4B60.10 - Shaking Lead Shot |
Demonstrate that shaking lead shot can make it heat up.
| No | | Yes |
| 4B70.20 - Expansion Cloud Chamber |
Demonstrate the condensation of water due to the adiabatic cooling of water vapor.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4C30.10 - Boiling by Cooling |
Demonstrate the dependence of the boiling point on pressure.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 4C31.30 - Drinking Bird |
Demonstrate cooling by evaporation.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 4D10.13 - Brownian Motion Real Time |
View Brownian motion with a microscope real time.
| No | 2 | Yes |
| 4D20.10 - Crookes' Radiometer |
Demonstrate that different colored surfaces heat differently.
| No | | Yes |
| 4D30.10 - Kinetic Theory Model |
Demonstrate how a heated gas takes up more volume.
| No | | Yes |
| 4E10.20 - Balloon in Liquid Nitrogen |
Demonstrate the effect that cold temperatures have on gas molecules.
| No | 2 | Yes |
| 4E30.10 - Constant Volume Bulb - Absolute Zero Apparatus |
Pressure vs. Temperature in a Gas at fixed Volume is demonstrated, with plotting an Absolute Zero Determination can be made.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 4F30.10-3 - Handheld Stirling Engine |
Show an engine that requires only heat from your hand to operate.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5A10.09 - Rods and Fur or Silk with Electroscope |
To demonstrate the two types of charges, positive and negative, and how an electroscope works to measure the charge.wa
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 5A10.10 - Rods and Fur or Silk with Hanger |
Show that there are two types of charges, positive and negative, and demonstrate the effect of charges upon one another.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 5A20.10 - Coulomb's Law |
Demonstrate electrostatic forces between two charged spheres.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5A22.25 - Pop Can Electroscope |
A bent piece of foil is balanced on a soda can's tab, this serves as the leaf of the electroscope.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 5A22.u1 - Meter Stick Electroscope |
Demonstrate a simple electroscope.
| No | | Yes |
| 5A40.20 - Charge Propelled Cylinder |
Demonstrate electrostatic induction of a neutral object with an aluminum can and a charged rod.
| Yes | 2 | Yes |
| 5A50.30 - Van de Graaff Generator |
Demonstrate a high voltage electrostatic generator. | Yes | | Yes |
| 5B10.10 - Van de Graaff Hair Radial E Field |
Demonstrate static electric repulsion.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 5B10.40 - Projection of Electric Field Lines |
A two-dimensional model is used for the projection of the field around point charges, parallel plates, etc.
| No | 10 | Yes |
| 5B20.35 - Radio in a Cage |
To prove a radio in a wire cage will not be able to receive RF electromagnetic waves. Proves Faraday was right, and that there is zero electric field inside a conducting shell.
| No | | Yes |
| 5B30.25 - Faraday Ice Pail |
Demonstrate the principle of the Faraday ice pail.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5B30.35 - Lightning Effects with Discharge Sphere |
Set up discharge sphere to receive sparks and demonstrate what happens when a lightning rod is brought near.
| No | | Yes |
| 5C10.20 - Effect of a Dielectric and Spacing on a Capacitor |
Show the effect of spacing and different dielectrics between the plates of a capacitor.
| No | | Yes |
| 5C10.u1 - Potential voltage rise in a parallel plate capacitor |
To demonstrate the Electric Field energy stored on a parallel plate capacitor. As the plates separate, the voltage increases until there is a discharge arc across two probes.
| No | | Yes |
| 5C30.20-2 - Killer Capacitor |
By charging and shorting a capacitor, a big noise can be produced and additionally, induced currents can be produced by a strong momentary magnetic field launching an aluminum ring or ripping a pop can in half, which illustrates how much energy the capacitor can store.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5C30.30 - Cap and Bulb |
Demonstrate that a capacitor can store energy.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5D10.40 - Resistance in a Wire Model |
Simulate resistance in a wire.
| No | | Yes |
| 5D20.60 - Conduction of Glass |
To show how heated glass turns into an ionic fluid, allowing conduction of electricity to occur.
| No | | Yes |
| 5D40.10 - Jacob's Ladder |
A step-up transformer creates a voltage that exceeds the dielectric breakdown of air between two rods.
| No | | Yes |
| 5E40.25 - Lemon Battery |
Demonstrate electromotive force using a lemon and electrodes of dissimilar metal.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 5E50.10 - Thermocouples |
Show different thermocouples.
| No | | Yes |
| 5F20.50 - Series and Parallel Resistance with Bulbs (Gray's Lights) |
Demonstrate how light bulbs (resistors) behave in series and in parallel.
| No | | Yes |
| 5F20.50-1 - Series and Parallel - Meters - Resistors |
Demonstrate series and parallel circuits with given resistors and the black box meters. Quantitative values achieved.
| Yes | 10 | Yes |
| 5F30.12 - Capacitor Discharging Through a Resistor |
Demonstrate Ohm’s law and RC time constant.
| No | | Yes |
| 5G10.20 - Breaking a Magnet | | Yes | 1 | Yes |
| 5G30.10 - Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic Rods |
To demonstrate diamagnetism vs. paramagnetism.
| No | | Yes |
| 5G50.11 - Curie Point Dropper |
Iron heated to its Curie point loses its magnetism
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 5G50.52 - Ceramic Superconductor Levitating a Magnet |
Show that a ceramic superconductor can levitate a magnet.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H10.11 - Compass Needle |
Demonstration of earth's magnetic field on a compass.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5H10.20 - Oersted Experiment |
Demonstrate that a current carrying wire produces a magnetic field.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5H10.30 - Projection of the Fields of Permanent Magnets |
Show the shape of the magnetic field around bar magnets.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H15.10 - Projection of the Magnetic Field Due to a Current in a Straight Wire |
Show the shape of the magnetic field lines around current-carrying straight wire.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H15.40 - Projection of the Magnetic Field Due to a Current in a Solenoid |
Show the shape of the magnetic field lines around current-carrying solenoid.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H25.10 - Tangent Galvanometer |
Demonstrate the magnetic field at the center of a coil of current carrying wire and the addition of the coil’s field to that of the Earth’s field to produce a net torque on the compass needle.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H30.10 - Oscilloscope Spot |
Demonstrate electron beam deflection by a magnetic field as a moving spot on the screen.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5H40.14 - Force Between Parallel Wires |
Demonstrate the force between two adjacent parallel current-carrying wires.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 5H40.15 - Attracting and Repelling Coils |
Demonstrate attraction and repulsion (due to currents) between parallel wires wound in a spiral.
| No | | Yes |
| 5H40.30 - Jumping Wire |
Demonstrate the force on a current-carrying wire that is in a permanent magnetic field.
| No | | Yes |
| 5J10.20 - Back EMF in an Inductor |
Demonstrate back emf in an electromagnet.
| No | 2 | Yes |
| 5J20.10 - Build-Up and Decay of Current in an Inductor |
Demonstrate the build-up and decay of current in an inductor on an oscilloscope.
| No | | Yes |
| 5K10.20 - Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Current in a Coil |
Demonstrate that a moving magnet can cause a current in a coil.
| No | | Yes |
| 5K10.30 - Mutual inductance - Current Induced by a Changing Magnetic Field |
Demonstrate mutual inductance.
| No | | Yes |
| 5K20.10 - Eddy Current Pendulum |
Demonstrate an effect of electromagnetic force.
| No | | Yes |
| 5K20.25 - Eddy Current Tube |
Demonstrate Eddy Current in a copper tube as opposed to an acrylic tube.
| No | 2 | Yes |
| 5K20.u1 - Lenz's Law - Induction Currents |
Demonstrate induced currents by magnetic pumping.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 5K30.20 - Dissectable Transformer and Laminations Model |
This model shows the basic transformer construction and can be used to show step-up and step-down.
| No | | Yes |
| 5K40.27 - Generator Model |
Show a hand-turned model generator.
| No | | Yes |
| 5L20.20 - Power vs. Frequency (Export Version) |
Demonstrate how power varies with frequency in an RLC circuit.
| No | 10 | Yes |
| 5N20.40 - Giant Tesla Coil |
Demonstrate electromagnetic radiation.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 6A20.u1 - Large Spherical Mirrors |
Show a collection of spherical mirrors.
| No | | Yes |
| 6A40.31 - Disappearing Crystals |
Demonstrate how an object cannot be seen when immersed in a substance with the same index of refraction.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 6A42.20 - Refraction Tank |
The refraction tank is a medium for showing refraction and total internal reflection at an interface.
| No | | Yes |
| 6A44.40-1 - Light Pipe - Total Internal Reflection |
Demonstrate total internal reflection with a light pipe.
| No | | Yes |
| 6A44.u1-1 - Laser Tank Kit |
Demonstrate geometrical optics by direct ray tracing using three parallel beams of light in an optical scattering tank.
| No | 15 | Yes |
| 6A60.30-1 - Projection of an Image |
Project an image using a lens.
| No | | Yes |
| 6C10.10 - Single Slit and Laser |
Demonstrate the behavior of light passing through a single, narrow slit of size on the order of the light's wavelength.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 6D10.10 - Double Slits and Laser |
Demonstrate the interference behavior of light passing between two slits.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 6D20.10 - Number of Slits |
Demonstrate the interference of light passing through numbers of slits.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 6D30.10 - Newton's Rings |
Demonstrate Newton's rings.
| No | | Yes |
| 6D30.20 - Soap Film Interference |
Demonstrate interference patterns caused by a soap film.
| No | | Yes |
| 6D40.10 - Optical Interferometer |
Demonstrate interference w/ an optical interferometer.
| No | 1 | Yes |
| 6F30.10 - Prism - Dispersion of White Light |
Demonstrate how different refractive indices disperse light.
| Yes | | Yes |
| 6F40.10 - Rayleigh Scattering |
Demonstrate how blue light can be scattered while red light is transmitted.
| No | | Yes |
| 6H10.10 - Polaroids and LED Light |
Demonstrate properties of polarization with three polaroid sheets and an LED Light.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 6H10.20 - Microwave Polarization |
Demonstrate the polarization of microwaves.
| No | | Yes |
| 6H20.u1 - Polarization by Reflection Off Water |
Demonstrate polarization by reflection off water.
| No | | Yes |
| 6H30.30 - Optically Active Corn Syrup |
Demonstrate the optically active cornsyrup with polarization cards and a light source.
| No | | Yes |
| 6J10.21 - Optical Model of the Eye |
Show how light is focused in an eye, with or without corrective lenses.
| No | | Yes |
| 6Q10.10 - Hologram | | No | | Yes |
| 6Z1 - Blackboard Optics |
To demonstrate geometrical optics using a variety of lenses, mirrors, and prisms in a transportable kit that connects to a blackboard.
| Yes | 10 | Yes |
| 7A10.10 - Photoelectric Effect |
This demonstration shows the production of photoelectrons in zinc.
| No | | Yes |
| 7A55.30 - Electron Diffraction |
Demonstrate electron wave properties.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 7B10.08 - Spectrum Tubes - Computer Spectroscope |
Demonstrate the atomic spectra of elemental gases and compounds
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 7B10.10 - Spectrum Tubes - Student Gratings |
Demonstrate the atomic spectra of various gases. | No | 5 | Yes |
| 7D10.10 - Geiger Counter and Sources |
Use a Geiger counter to detect radioactivity and show how various materials can shield you from radioactivity.
| No | | Yes |
| 7D30.60 - Cloud Chamber |
Demonstrate the detection of subatomic and high energy particles.
| No | | Yes |
| 7F10.60 - Film - The Lorentz Transformation |
Show a part of the Mechanical Universe film series.
| No | 30 | Yes |
| 8A10.10 - Orrery |
Demonstrate the orbits of planets and Pluto around the sun in our solar system.
| Yes | 5 | Yes |
| 8A10.25 - Phases of the Moon |
Demonstrate phases and/or eclipses of the moon, earth, and sun.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 8A10.55 - Retrograde Motion |
Show the apparent motion of a planet in the heliocentric solar system.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 8A10.80 - Celestial Sphere |
Demonstrate the relationship between the Earth, the Sun, and other celestial objects.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 8B10.50 - Sunspots on an Overhead |
To demonstrate why sunspots appear dark on the surface of the sun.
| No | 5 | Yes |
| 8B10.60 - Random Walk - Modeling a Photon's Journey from the Center of a Star |
Illustrate the random walk a photon takes from the center of the sun.
| Yes | 2 | Yes |
| 8C10.10 - Expanding Universe |
Demonstrate the geometry of the expanding universe.
| Yes | 3 | Yes |
| 8C10.u2 - Accretion Disk |
Demonstrate an accretion disk.
| No | 10 | Yes |