Show the difference between a 1 kg mass and a 1 lb mass.
Show the difference in length between a meterstick and yardstick.
Demonstrate what a radian is.
Demonstrate that "multiples" of blocks create different scaling effects for surface area, volume, and mass.
Demonstrate centrifugal and centripetal forces.
Demonstrate the tension in a soap film.
Demonstrate inertia and change in time of an impulse relative to static and kinetic friction.
Demonstrates a stacking method that can continue indefinitely.
Demonstrate the buckling of a material (steel in this case) under a mass given different types of support.
Demonstrate how torque increases with R.
Demonstrate that a rope held taut end to end can be easily deflected in the center by another student or a mass.
Demonstrate the g-dependence of friction with two catalogs.
An egg thrown at a loosely held sheet will not break no matter how hard you throw it.
Demonstrate a rigid oscillator, in this case a circle suspended at various radii.
Demonstrate the effect of inhaled helium on the voice.
A variable length column drum demonstates how added surface decreases the pitch of the sound produced. The amplitude of sound produced also can increase given the length of tube added exciting a resonance value.
The music box plays well held in the air, but when it is played on a resonating surface (almost any surface will work) it amplifies the sound dramatically.
Heating an elastic band that is suspending a mass shows that the band contracts with heat and raises the mass.
Overhead transparency that quickly shows vacant regions also expand within thermally expanding solids.
Compare the heating of a system with water to one with only air.
Demonstrate the condensation of water due to the adiabatic cooling of water vapor.
Electrostatic attraction between a comb and confetti or a teflon rod and fur with confetti.
Demonstrate electrostatic charge by charging a balloon using the triboelectric effect and then induce an electrostatic charge
on a nearby object creating an attraction force.
A bent piece of foil is balanced on a soda can's tab, this serves as the leaf of the electroscope.
Demonstrate electrostatic induction of a neutral object with an aluminum can and a charged rod.
Demonstrate the parity inversion of mirror charges.
This is a windsock surface to demonstrate how flux work on complicated surfaces.
Dissected 9V battery.
Simple components produce rapid spinning in a screw.
Demonstrate multiple reflections.
Demonstrate the reflection of an image in a concave mirror.
Demonstrate the total internal reflection of light in a stream of water.
Demonstrate how the diffraction pattern of DNA reveals its physical structure.
Demonstrate the diffraction pattern off of small spheres of lycopodium powder with visible laser light.
Demonstrate the geometry of the expanding universe.
Demonstrate how a pressure differential can keep water in an Inverted glass.
Demonstrate that balanced forces can produce a situation without acceleration
To show tension forces.
To show centripetal force.